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Who are we?

The Community of Christ is a worldwide religious organization with over 3k members in 25 different nations. Members of the Church are people who were looking for a Community who loved Christ just as much as they did.

The Community of Christ is a Trinitarian organization, meaning we believe in the Trintiy. We believe in the Holy Scriptures wich includes the Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Docterine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, we use the Community Translation of the Holy Scriptures (CTHS) which was translated my Church leaders with the Help of Jehovah God,

The Community of Christ believes that families are forever, and that when we die, we will be reunited with our family up in Heaven.

The Community of Jesus Christ believes that we are currently in Hell, but that after we die, we will go to Heaven, and only the most evil will be totally annihilated, but the majority of humanity will make it to Heaven.

We believe that through the Atonement of Christ which started in Gethsemane and payed for our sins, to Him dying in the stake and rising three days later, making it possible for us to live again.